What follows are a selection of articles that will assist those seeking more understanding of the concepts and principles behind 'citizen' or 'track two' galactic diplomacy, using a variety of traditional and non-traditional sources for training and initiatives in track two diplomacy .

1. Galactic Diplomacy Articles


Dr Michael Salla, "The Emergence of 'Track Two' Galactic Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Races - The Role of Private Citizens & Groups in Establishing Communications & Agreements With Extraterrestrial Races"

Angelika Whitecliff, "A Guide for Initiating Contact with Extraterrestrials"

Ambassador John W. McDonald, Citizen Dipolacy in a Changing World (for adobe pdf version click here)

Dr Michael Salla, Galactic COINTELPRO: Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program against Extraterrestrial Contactees

"Galactic Diplomacy and Negative Governmental Responses"

Dr Mark Woodhouse, "New Dawn Rising: Formal Extraterrestrial Contact"

Dr Allen Tough, "What Role Will Extraterrestrials Play In Humanity's Future"

Dr Steven Greer, "The Foundations of Interplanetary Unity"

Dr Joseph Burkes, "Cosmic Peace"

Dr Michael Salla, "Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?"

Dr Allen Tough, "Security During the First Thirty Days"

"Galactic History according to Alex Collier"

Dr Michael Salla, Extraterrestrials Among Us"

Dr Michael Salla, "A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity"

Dr Michael Salla, The Physics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations: Developing a Typology of Extraterrestrial Activities and Motivations


2. Exopolitics Articles

Dr Michael Salla, "The Failure of Power Politics as a Strategic Response to the Extraterrestrial Presence – Developing Human Capacity as a Viable Global Defense Strategy"

"Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex Collier and the Andromedans"



3. Track Two (Citizen) Diplomacy Articles

Christine Chigas, "Track Two (Citizen) Diplomacy"

US Department of State, "Integrating Track One and Track Two Approaches to International Conflict Resolution: What's Working? What's Not? How Can We Do Better?"

Dr Michael Salla, "Rebuilding the Negotiating Middle in Intractable Conflicts"

University of Colorado: Conflict Research Consortium, "Unofficial Communication, Citizen Diplomacy, & Multitrack Diplomacy."


4. Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)

Dr Allen Tough, "Intelligent Life in the Universe: What Role Will It Play in Our Future?"

The Physics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations: How advanced could they possibly be?

Ray Norris, "How Old Is ET?"

David Brin, "An Open Letter to Alien Lurkers"

Anthony Judge, Communicating with Aliens: the Psychological Dimension of Dialogue

Gerry Zeitlin, "Open SETI Physics 101"