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Arcturian Channel - 27 June 2004

Q: Participant Question
A: Channeled Answer

Channel: I ask to be a clear and perfect channel of the highest light for all who are assembled here, all who may listen to the tape or read the transcript. Please bring in my guides and angels, guides and angels of those present. Thank you. Now please bring in the Arcturians, or any others who may wish to speak to the group tonight. And this is June 27, 2004, thank you.

A: At the beginning, there is much to be desired. What is desire, really? Is it a lack? Is desire simply a longing for something that you have not? Or is desire an aspiration? Something that you imagine, that can be created. The distinction is important, because as you shift your world from one based on the first mode, the first type, of desire, to one based on the second mode, the second kind of desire, you will find the whole vibration of the place lifts.

If you focus your mind on what you have the possibility of creating, then you focus your mind on a bright future, as bright as you can imagine. You have not been used to doing that here on Earth. On Earth you have been used to the other kind of desire. You have been used to envy, covetousness, to lack simply. So it's important to get in touch with the difference in your own thinking.

Think of something that you desire. We ask it that way so you can notice what comes to mind. Is it the type A desire, that is, something you lack; or is it the type B desire, something you aspire to? Now let's try again. Think of something that you desire. Did it change? Did you find that, on reflection, your desire was different; more refined, more subtle, more in tune with your real desires? Let's try this one more time. Take a breath, bring your attention to your heart center, feel your energy there, your personal energy. Feel who you are. Now think of something that you desire. Is it love? In a way it's always love.

The love vibration on this planet is exquisite. It's been refined and molded through the centuries, an abundance of additional auxiliary vibrations have been added to the formula. It's been tempered, it's been turned and twisted, and out of this forge has come a remarkable vibration. It's not a simple love. It's a love born of experience, born of the trials and the fires of the three dimensional world. It's a love that evokes sympathy and understanding.

This is your inheritance as Earthly beings. Along with all of the negativity, all of the history, all of the past mistakes, the accomplishments, the subjugation, the trials and tribulations, you've come to know love. And if there is anything that those of us outside your system desire more than anything else is to know that love as well. We know you've found it difficult to be alone. Well, imagine what it's like for the parents when their child is all alone. But this was necessary. It was necessary for your development, it was necessary in order to create this particular vibration. This vibration that tempers an independence of spirit, a personal truth, and a universal truth that molds them together in an indissoluble whole, that links the individual with the transpersonal and the universal. This particular vibration, this consciousness of the individual human which connects to the core is an exquisite creation, and what is more remarkable is that each one of you has a unique signature, a unique vibration.

As you move forward and become one planet, one voice, one identity, remember also your separateness. Remember that each one of you individually walked the path and did the work to create their version, their flavor and frequency of the love vibration. Thank you. And I would like to open the conversation. Does anyone have a question?

Q. I have a question, who are the ETs who are monitoring the potential risks of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and what sorts of activities are they undertaking?

A. There are several such. There is a group that is constituted specifically for this purpose. Some of you may have heard the story of a military base in the United Kingdom some years ago which had an extraterrestrial visitation. At that time, the persons operating the base noticed that their ability to control the weapons had been compromised. There are safeguards in place and the use of nuclear weapons in any significant way will not be allowed.

While it may seem that this is in contravention to a principle of non-intervention we feel that the information that's available within your system is just too valuable. And that the reasons for detonation of nuclear weapons would have nothing to do with the proper course of your evolution. If there's ever a command to detonate nuclear weapons, it would not be for the right reasons. And so therefore, whether or not there is a command, the weapons will not function.

This is the sort of situation that alarms the military powers. And, in fact, you can imagine if your sense of security was based on technology, was based on something you owned and then you found it wouldn't always function; you could imagine you would be alarmed, and you would seek ways to correct the situation, to find an alternative technology, to find an alternate route, to security. We can say what many have said, the sense of security is born within, and it's born from knowing your true nature. It's a small step to shift your focus from looking for external security to looking at yourself and developing your own inner connection, the sense of security that comes from knowing who you are. Does that answer your question?

Q. Oh, yes, thank you. I have one follow up. Who are the different races of ET's involved in this group?

A. There are several. There is a Lyran commander, Tau Cetians are involved, some Rigelians, and several others. Is there a reason you wish to know their composition?

Q. I have been given to understand that such a group existed but I didn't know its composition, who was taking an active role in this. Was that Bentwaters you were referring to, the English base?

A. Yes. Are there other questions?

Q. Can I follow up on this, it was just said in the discussion that there was an allusion to the right use of nuclear weapons, can you give an example of what that would be?

A. Every system has within it a means of transformation through dissolution or destruction. And so your system has within it a variety of means to convert physical objects back into energy, and systems to convert energy into physical objects. The natural evolution of a system involves change: temporal translations and transformations. So within a system, weapons that are created to trigger such transformations are appropriate, and in fact the will to use them, if that evolves within such a system, is appropriate.

However, in your situation the use and development of nuclear weapons was not historically purely indigenous. And so the system that needs to be considered is wider than just the physical planet. It involves those groups that provided the information, those groups that may wish for their own ends to threaten individual states, and those groups that may seemingly have a desire to use such weapons.

But in the wider context, just because something exists, doesn't mean it has to be used. So when we look at the wider context that your planet is in, the laws and regulations, the will of the various beings that surround you, and we incorporate that into an assessment of what will happen, we can tell you that there are... that there is a safety feature, a safety catch, if you will. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

Q2. Does that also apply to small weapons like suitcase bombs?

A. This is a grey area. The particulars would depend on the projected outcome. As I'm sure you know, what we might call "localized" violence, small scale violence, is allowed to occur throughout your world. There are many purposes for this. One of them is educational, one of them is experiential, one of them is to right certain wrongs, or to allow certain individuals to evolve through experience. So there may be events, shocking events of this nature. But the original idea behind a nuclear explosive was to trigger a cascade, an event that led rapidly to a global dilemma, a global confrontation. And it's the end, the probable endpoint of such a confrontation that we wish to avoid. So a way of answering your question is that there may be some sparks, but there won't be a forest fire. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

Q. I have a somewhat related question that I think segues into this topic, and that is the human cabals or the dark cabal who perpetrates the chaos and the power plays on this earth, of which the US administration seems to be a part, but it's world wide and its a cancerous kind of thing that has many tentacles. I'm wondering if those members of that who are the leaders and controllers of this world, the elite, the oligarchies, knowingly do what they do, perpetrate chaos on the rest of us, do they do it consciously knowing what they are doing or are they themselves ignorant of the ET neighborhood, and the ETs who might be controlling them or causing them to do these things?

A. Well, it's difficult to generalize, some know, some are more conscious than others.

But we think it might be time to put yourself into their shoes. Each of you imagine you are a member of such a cabal. You are given information that others don't have. Your ego is stroked, and mind you, you are already pretty wealthy yourself. You may be little envious of the next guy, the one who has more than you do, but you are pretty wealthy, you are powerful in your own sphere. How does that feel? Take a moment and feel that. You can walk around knowing you've got millions in the bank, knowing that you have the access to the latest information, best technology; that people look up to you, some people fear you. You can curl your fingers into a fist, you can slam it on a table. People listen to you when you do that; you can get your way. Take a moment and feel what that is like.

To some people, that reinforces the ego. They really start to believe that they are this three dimensional being and that they are better than the rest. They are smarter, stronger, have more. To other people, it creates pain, it creates a painful disconnect. They long for something simpler, they feel the weight of authority, they feel lonely at the top. It can go either way. But put yourself in their shoes for a moment, and from that place, that place of power, ability and control, take notice of whether you can also feel your humanity. Remember, you are in charge, what you say goes. Now, do you feel human?

Let's elaborate the scene a little bit. An underling comes in and asks for a favor; and they are a particularly disempowered type. You can see that they look at you fearfully, and they really don't expect you to want to do it unless you have to, and so they are quite tentative in asking. Now, as you look at them, do you feel a human bond? Do you feel that you are both the same species? Do you feel a connection? Well, the interesting thing is that you are connected and that the dynamic we have described has been played out many times from both sides by each of you. You are very familiar with it. So what is it to be human? Is it to be in control or to be controlled? Or might it be something else entirely?

Okay, let's imagine now that you decide that you are going to take pity on this poor soul and you are going to grant their wish. So go ahead, give them that raise, that 25 cents an hour. So now how do you feel? Do you feel more empowered, more in control, more distant from the supplicant, or do you feel more human, more connected?

We ask you to try one other experiment. As you grant his wish, look in his eyes. Recognize his humanity, and notice that the glance that he sends you in appreciation and how it relates to your own humanity, and notice that's the only way you get it. The only way you are going to get it is from another human being. The only way that you will know that you are human is when someone else shows you you are.

Humans are unique in many ways and one of them is their individuality and their need for connection. These two dynamics, the strong desire to go it alone, to carve your own path, the necessity to do so because of your very make up, is paradoxically coupled with the necessity of dealing with each other, of recognizing each other, of connecting. So in some sense humanity is a paradox. We would almost say, individually you don't seem human; but when you get together, you express your humanity. Are there other questions?

Q. Yes, I have one and it concerns a channel, from March I believe, where you mentioned that we should seek representation on one of the Galactic councils that I believe the Arcturians are connected to or interact with in some way, so I wanted to know what you meant by that? And also, how would we actualize that in terms of how would a representative be selected, how would a representative appear before a Council? Any advice or suggestions you have along those lines would be appreciated.

A. We are open to suggestions ourselves. Each contact scenario plays out a little bit differently, and this one especially so. If you can devise a process that you are happy with, that you feel would be accepted by a significant number of humans, then we can work with that. It may be difficult at the beginning when we don't have facilities on the ground, we don't have an auditorium, a conference hall, to use. But we can begin the discussion in groups such as this, or in more private ones. We can talk to you, and you can talk to us.

But think about the connection with the planet herself. As you devise a process one of the things you will notice is because of your individuality, there is little significance to one individual negotiating or claiming to negotiate with an outside group. However if one of you can speak for the heart of the planet, then she herself has already assimilated all of the intelligence, all of the need, all of the aspiration, of the human collective. So we would suggest that you try to establish a reliable means to express the heart and the higher intelligence of your planet. Just do the best you can to find her and voice her desire. If you do that, then we think you will find a great deal of resonance because each of you within you has a connection to her, and each of you has the ability to recognize her desire, and her heart. As regards the mechanics of speaking to us, we think that any competent channel would be sufficient in the short term. From our side we are also looking at more concrete means to support the discussion, but we haven't yet found a formula or formulation that allows us to interact in the material sphere openly without prejudicing your future. Is there more there, more to the question?

Q. Yes, I just wanted to know about how it would work if a representative was selected and they would communicate through a channel. I mean if the representative selected through the process could be in a particular location, now would the channel have to be the person that would relay requests to the Council, and how would that differ from the many other individuals in the New Age community who claim to already be representatives on these Galactic Councils by virtue of them being able to travel there etherically or through some astral means?

A. One difference is the distinction between the messenger and the message. The messenger is not necessarily a decision maker. If interactions were reviewed by a committee that was representative, then that's a different process from a channel or prophet bringing information without review. So a channel is best seen as a conduit to provide your questions, get your answers, but you would make your decisions in a separate body. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

A. Are there other questions?

Q. I have one. It's said that humans are multidimensional beings. It seems that in sleep, in dreams, my understanding of what's happening is that I'm experiencing some of those other dimensions; though a psychologist might not say so... they merely acknowledge the physical. I think this channel in the past has said that humans are more identified with the three dimensional. Would you talk about our multidimensional nature?

A. Your primary nature has several aspects. We've discussed the core light of God, the core spiritual light that each of you is open to, that each of you carries. There are several sheaths, as they are called, that filter that light; that move in resonance to that light, that envelope it. One of those sheaths is the physical but there are several others, one of which is responsible for the interpretations, for the experiences, of the dream consciousness.

When you are wearing several layers of clothing, they each have a separate function. The overcoat protects you from the elements. The undergarments provide you physical support. In between you have an opportunity to express your fashion sense. So in the same way, the different sheaths serve different functions. They are used for communication, for expression, for protection, but they are all chosen. In the same way that you dress yourself in the morning, your consciousness, your core consciousness, chooses the vibrations of these different sheaths. And from this mixture, from this combination, you have an experience, a total experience on different levels. Your conscious awareness can shift from one to another. With your cycle of sleeping and waking, in your meditation, sometimes in your angry moments, you shift from one layer to another; you shift your attention from one layer to another. Nevertheless, the constituents are all present that make up the whole human being. That's how it looks from the point of view of consciousness. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, that's pretty abstract. I think I have to assimilate what you said. So we are multidimensional at all times, it's not like when we are in the physical we aren't elsewhere?

A. You are never actually in the physical.

Q. It's just an overcoat.

A. It's not even an overcoat. In reality it's a representation of various vibrations, various information, that's sorted and filtered, and arranged in a three or four dimensional matrix. And you come to that illusion with all these various levels of consciousness.

Q. So is that how people can make themselves ill, if there could be other thoughts in their emotions that can manifest in the physical?

A. The illness, we might say, is in the consciousness, and then the physical patterns itself in fidelity with the patterns in the consciousness.

Q. Thank you.

A. You're welcome. Are there other questions?

Q. Yes, I have a question. What is your relationship and interaction with the Great White Brotherhood, and how does your role differ in relationship to the spiritual evolution going on in the Earth at this time?

A. They are friends of ours, we might say. Their purpose is primarily spiritual evolution or upliftment. Our purpose is more multifaceted. We are interested in what we might call the galactic experience generally, the day to day, as well as the most ethereal aspects of reality. So we operate and engage on several levels, not just the level of evolutionary advancement. Does that answer your question?

Q. Then who specifically are we communicating with?

A. We've answered once before, the translator's name is Joshuel and we are a committee, a Council.

Q. Thank you.

A. You're welcome. Are there other questions?

Q. I have a question, it kind of almost follows that. I said to myself let me think from the manager's a point of view, to the employees, or from the extraterrestrial point of view to the humans, and in as much as they can do that in a small degree. From your perspective, what would you have us to know about you? Let me get it right. What would you have us to know and receive into our consciousness from you? Your wisdom, your experience, you've been through all this what we seem to be going through. What tools of wisdom would you have us receive in our consciousness, so we as humans can advance spiritually, contribute to our fellow humans, facilitate this process of becoming a galactic member, and maturity?

A. Thank you for your question. We would have you know that it is possible to act from love at all times. Now when we say that, we mean it in a couple of different ways. We mean it in the sense that you might expect, that is, it is possible to be graceful and kind, to be generous and compassionate at all times. That is possible. But there is another type of love, a tough love, a love born of experience, born of the school of hard knocks, which isn't always... which doesn't always look... compassionate or generous. Sometimes it looks mean or fierce, but along with that external appearance there is a recognition of connection, there is a recognition of ultimate identity. This type of love is really based on awareness, an awareness of your innate connection. It respects the other as an independent vibration, but as one that has the same core.

And so we would have you know that no matter what the appearance it is always possible to bear in mind that you are connected, and it is possible to live in such a way that every human you encounter, you grant them that glance that helps them to feel human. And we would have you know that if you do that, in every encounter and every glance, you yourself will slowly but surely feel more human. The ability to act forthrightly with a wide spectrum of behaviors and tools, and emotions that you have access to is your heritage, and the willingness to do so is your future.

So perhaps we can suggest an experiment for you. As you go about your daily life notice if there any moments when you feel separate from others you see around you. Are there any others that you judge to be not worthy of your love? And if you find such a one, consider them a gift, an opportunity for you to learn something, and draw your attention to your own heart energy. Enclose them in that energy and ask to receive the gift that they have for you. Ask to receive that glance, that information, that truth that they hold for you. What is it in what they are in your life that's so precious, that's opening you to a facet of yourself that you hadn't known before. What part of what they're doing or how they're acting is something new to you? If you ask this question and if you get this answer... if you get the answer... then you will have learned something, you will have grown. You will have become more universal. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

A. You're welcome. Are there other questions?

Q. I have a question about an individual that has posted on a discussion board... his name is Thor and he claims that he is a former Lyran commander, and that the Lyrans answer to him because of his former position as a 'Supreme Commander', or something along those lines. So I just wanted your clarification about whether or not those memories he claims to have are accurate. And if so, what is the relationship between the Lyrans that are presently interacting with Earth and someone like Thor who is what appears to be a starseed with these memories. Does an individual like Thor continue to have that kind of authority if it's true? I just wish to hear your reflections on that.

A. We know the one that you mean, and we would consider his representations fraudulent. It's difficult to describe exactly how he came to hold the beliefs he does. However, he is not what he seems nor what he claims. The Lyrans do occasionally send representatives to Earth to interact with humanity, but they are not bossy, they are not strident. They are actually very gentle and wise. Was there a purpose to your question?

Q. Yes, I was just wanting a little bit of guidance I guess on how I would deal with an individual making those sorts of claims. Is it best to deal with them in terms of someone with delusional beliefs, or is it the case that they are in fact being manipulated by negative ET groups?

A. This is a good opportunity for discrimination. Going forward, your worlds will expand to encompass many different beings operating at different levels, some of which you can barely discern in your consciousness, others who will be clearly visible. But it is in these intermediate cases where a thought form or set of thought forms presents itself to you that you have to use your judgment. You have to decide how much of your energy will you wrap around that representation. In some sense, each of you makes real your beliefs. If you take your beliefs, whatever they are, set your heart on them, set your mind to them, you act as if they were true. It matters little whether they were true or not, because you hold them to be true. In the same way, an individual with particular beliefs can influence a community, and if they hold that individual in high esteem or in fear, whatever they might do to bring attention to those beliefs, subtly or not so subtly, it becomes part of their reality.

So the choice is really yours. You can embrace this individual in that perspective, use it as training tool, you can sympathize with them, you can even agree with them, you can obey them. It's really up to each individual to decide whether these encounters with foreign belief systems and foreign approaches to reality meets with your approval, meets with your assent. Thor is useful in that he presents an individual perspective, an individuated perspective, that some might say is narcissistic or self centered. It represents that energy, that ability of a human to let the world revolve around them. It is useful for those in your group to see.

There will be other beings like him; other beings with stronger claims who will present themselves. These in a way are test subjects, tests to see how the individuals in your group react. To what degree is Thor's energy acceptable to the group? To what degree is it anathema? It's a measurement, if you will, to see what level of acquiescence, what level of resistance humanity in general, or those in particular, the members of your group, put up to this sort of assertion.

But with all beings you have the opportunity of bringing your attention to your heart and making your own assessment. You are not assessing the being's value per se, what you are assessing is the degree to which and the way in which you wish to interact with this being. It's an individual assessment and it's more relevant, more personal. You don't have to do what everyone else does. You don't have to treat a person in the same way that everyone else does. You can walk away, you can withdraw your energy, if any other being's energy is not to your liking. Keep that in mind as you go forward. Thank you. Are there other questions?

Q. I was wondering about an Act that supposedly was very secretive, The National Economic Security and Recovery Act that supposedly certain world leaders secretly put together and then 9/11 happened and because of the fear, you know, the terrorism and so on, supposedly that Act went underground. But the ideal was to have one world economy, shared monetary system, gold backed. But also to relieve a lot of the debt, you know, individuals who are struggling, as well as countries, third world countries, to have a more equal sharing of the planet's wealth, you might say. And I don't know if this is... also I'm not too political so I don't know where this is going, and I'm hoping this is true and I'm hoping that there's something that we can do as individuals to make this come about.

A. We've addressed this general area before, but what we would say is that the future of your economic system depends partly on you, and partly on us. Bear in mind that one of the consequences of galactic contact is a shift in the basis of value for the economic system. The Yap islanders no longer use large stone circles for their coinage, and in the same way what ever you may imagine to be currency will rapidly transform to one or more of the systems that we use.

So this process of debate, or examination of a fundamental change in the economy becomes moot in the context of an opening to the galactic family. Nevertheless, it is important to determine what balance you feel is most equitable. We would say that NESARA itself presents a rather unbalanced approach. After all, there is a history to the financial relationship and absolving someone of that debt may not be appropriate energetically. The wise thing to do is negotiation, to come to a solution where both sides benefit, where both sides can acknowledge that the choice made of going forward is acceptable. This is the way inequities can be healed, not through a blanket absolution of past relationships.

The desire to end indebtedness and any relationships of powerlessness is appropriate, but the way out is through empowerment rather than absolution. The way out is step by step to change your circumstances, step by step to create the world of your desires. As you think about that world, include in your thoughts, the prosperity of others. Include in your imaginings that all those on the planet have what they need to be happy. Well, look at their choices. Might there be a desire to gift or to borrow financial energy? There could be. There could be reasons that groups get together and empower one member with the collective energy. Whatever system you devise in your mind, be sure you leave it open ended, that you don't limit the possibilities for the future.

Something like NESARA makes it impossible to move in the future in certain directions, and that was its true intent. To give you a vision like a candied apple, something tasty initially but a bit hard on the stomach. In the end you have to work together, the powerful and the seemingly powerless, you have to build a world together. So it's high time you started thinking outside the box, outside of that dynamic. It's high time that you recognize that each of you individually is powerful enough to script a unique life, to bend the entire world to your purposes. So with that knowledge, start to design a system that's free and fair to all. But we would advise that you don't buy in to simple solutions which ignore the past, ignore the history. You want to encompass your heritage, all of it, the good and the bad. Accept and bring forward everything that you are. We'll take two more questions.

Q. I have question, why do we only have seven more years to get our act together, and what will happen at the end of that time if we don't?

A. We stated that the energetic shift that your planet is undergoing would cause it to incorporate what we might term the Reptilian phase into your own. Within seven years you will have them in your midst. This is a consequence of the ascension, the evolution of the planet. It's what we might call a physical shift, a shift in the nature of the material three dimensional world. It's a natural process of integration of different sheaths or levels of the planetary body, or we may say, the planetary consciousness. Does that answer your question fully?

Q. Aren't the Reptilians here already?

A. They are involved in small ways, directly. They also impulse a great number of people with their way of thinking. They have tried to influence your world for many years by instilling a system, a culture more like their own. So in a certain sense, yes they are here already, or at least you would recognize them, you would recognize their way of thinking if you were to meet them in the street. But you don't yet have large numbers walking around in your midst, you are not bumping into them. So while their influence is felt, they personally are not having to make room for you, and you are not having to make room for them.

But your future, if there is to be one, will involve accommodating them, coming to some form of agreement with them. We suspect this time around you will be reticent to accept them as your overlords, we expect that this time around there will be a much heightened consciousness, much lower level of fear, and so you'll need to negotiate. You'll need to find what each of you truly wants.

There is a story on the email and the internet about a collision of a warship with a lighthouse. Each of them communicates to the other asking them to move out of the way. And at first it seems that the warship would get its way, but in the end the lighthouse, being immovable, wins the argument. In the same way, whatever it is that's coming toward you, will move out of the way once it realizes how you are rooted. That you are rooted in the Earth. That you are the immovable ones. Remember that if you hear any threatening noises from them. Remind them of what you are by nature, and they can make up their own minds of whether they want a collision.

In order to do that you will have to realize what your true nature is. Many of you already experience great love for the planet, and this will increase. You will become aware of her as a conscious being. And it's speaking with her voice that you will find most useful in dealing with extraterrestrials. If you can speak with the authority of her voice, then you will be heard, you will be listened to. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

Q2. I have a follow up to that. Does that imply that it is the Reptilians that some of our government leaders are afraid of when they speak? Well, for example, when Reagan spoke of all humans might unite when they knew that there was an alien or extraterrestrial, I forgot his words, invasion or something to that effect? And does it also imply that they are on a spaceship coming in our direction and will arrive here in that seven year period?

A. The Reptilians are indigenous, they are actually what we may call a shadow part of the Earth system. They are among you in a phased space, they are traveling on the planet's journey just as you are. However, they weren't invited on the journey, they merely highjacked the planet and so they have no legitimacy.

When a political leader speaks of aliens generally they are speaking of an unspecific threat. Generally they are speaking from a level of consciousness that sees a technological advantage or an informational advantage as being paramount. They are not yet aware of the beauties and the potentials of a true partnership with an advanced race. And so their warnings are really something that reflects their strategy, that reflects their way of thinking and their way of reacting from a perceived position of powerlessness.

It's possible to agree with the leaders and remain in a consciousness of powerlessness. But it's also possible to shift your thinking, to connect with the planet, to realize who you are, and to develop a different strategy, a different future, and different relationships with those around you. Thank you all very much, it's been a very pleasant evening. God bless you all.

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