By Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff
When accepted cosmology is utterly wrong . . . then who we think we are, how we answer why we are here and other soul stirring questions are forced to attempt resolution in a framework that leads absolutely nowhere. In fact, the truth cannot be revealed in this false structure based upon inaccurate and plain wrong information. Like slight of hand, slight of information misdirects our attention and would have us believe in magic - or at least the outrageous mathematical models of string theory. Thus, the fulcrum point of cosmological understanding that influences all other fields of thought must be discarded, cleansed away, perhaps even purified out of our minds and beliefs. We need to make our way back to a truer state, back to the original template and plan.
Enter now the Electric Universe Theory for serious consideration and a new cosmological model. Here comes the not so new, but finally seriously considered, view of the nature of the solar system, galaxy and universe itself. A model based upon plasma that comprises over 99% of space. Simple ions and electrons compose plasma in graceful flow, unseen in smaller quantities and visible in grand designs in denser areas. Plasma streams connect and uniting all planets, stars and galaxies. We are all one made one by this connection.
Poor, belabored gravity is responsible for current cosmology gone awry, but it is not to be blamed. The deification of mathematical gurus - who weave grandly complex equations, each suspiciously different, to explain black holes, pulsars, dark matter, sunspots and so the list goes on - is the culprit. Long ago lost in this process was simplicity, grace, beauty and oh yes, observable verification. No mere mortal can grasp any of this of course, only the math gods whose job it is to create more intricate and more complex formulations to insure the longevity of her mighty majesty, accepted cosmology. And they wield their power with clever genius, giving us the Herculean task of disproving that which we cannot see - 'fie on us' they must hoot with glee!
The poor masses will never compete here nor even try to comprehend. Fortunately, this game is a moot one and about to be revealed for what it really is . . . just a man behind a curtain. Comet Holmes has arrived. Consciousness across the globe has been slowly, yet persistently gaining awareness and the stage is now set for something not long ago inconceivable . . . the truth. Why is the 'Blue Sun', the Blue Kachina of Hopi prophecy, the outrageously beautiful blue field of plasma discharge that comet Holmes displays so important? It is the bringer of the new world because it is the tool that new science will use in this age of Aquarius to demonstrate the workings, the grace, the simplicity and observable evidence of a new cosmology. This is the universe electric and all is poised for grand re-unification through right thought.
Let the purification begin. It must first take place before the new world we are excitedly plunging toward, at accelerating speed, will anchor into our reality - will be made manifest. Comet Holmes' defiant display in the face of current gravitational models of physics is about to undo that which cannot define it. Coming back to our original intent as a planet and species means returning to an understanding of how everything works and cosmology must lead the way. Surely God did not only bless and favor the mathematicians with the ability to self-realize.
Consider plasma as fields of information that comprise all of reality. Ions and electrons make up plasma and they quite naturally flow in opposite directions, negative to one side and positive to the other, just like boys and girls in a gym at a junior high school dance. The electromagnetic energy that occurs with the movement of plasma fields is the organizer of this information. Here, it is our consciousness that engages and intercepts these electromagnetic fields through will. Will and inspiration can be called God tools. They give off a spark (discharge) when they come together and depending on how inspired you are and how willful, this is the measure of interaction and subsequent manifestation. Spontaneous or nearly spontaneous manifestation is possible when enough energy is present.
Comet Holmes vibrates as the key and gives us a visual reference for that gestalt of understanding to reunify consciousness with what has always been present, but not visible to our clouded (cosmological) vision. At this very moment it is singing in electromagnetic currents that are reaching, knowingly or unknowingly, everybody's consciousness on the planet. Remember, plasma brings us all together for one grand celebration of everything. It is delivering the message of awakening, and it is also giving us generously the key to dealing with planetary and solar discharge - the powers of severe or mild purification, also known as Earth Changes.
Earth Changes are a comin' round the bend, but they do not need to blow our minds . . . at least not if we change them. Understand that wrong thinking, especially collective wrong thinking via wrong beliefs and concepts, causes chaos on an electromagnetic level. Consciousness is mistakenly pushing around information (the plasma fields) in a way that unbalances everything. Wrong thinking creates imperfect constructs. In a low energy area, this is not as visible a problem as in high energy environments. High energy means more dramatic displays of manifestation. Yikes! That means imbalanced thinking will lead to imbalances in the electromagnetic fields of our world and solar system and this spells out quite clearly . . . severe Earth Changes.
Good news, even great news then becomes possible because we control our future. We do this through our collective thoughts and right (positive) thinking will lead to a balancing of the energy intensifications coming our way. Movies such as What the Bleep and The Secret have delivered a critical concept to the masses - we create our own reality with our thoughts. If you never took that meditation course you have been considering for ages, now is the time. It is the time to pay attention to EVERY thought and become whole-heartedly responsible. Comet Holmes symbolizes the new world, the better world; a world of peace, harmony and balance.
Most human beings on planet Earth are used to directing their energy into what they do not want. Plasma fields allow us to instantaneously switch sides. Of course this has always been the case, but now you are consciously aware of your participation and understand the consequences. Old patterns can be challenging to break, but consider using the age old tools of gratitude and thankfulness to help you to stay focused on what you want more of and what you wish to manifest joyfully and happily in your life. And to plump up the collective muscles that can effectively neutralize intense (solar level) plasma discharge, make your own spark via inspiration and will directed toward self-knowledge and universal knowledge.
Why is self-mastery so important? In actuality, it is the only real item of importance for humanity at this time because here is the level from which each individual can change everything. Our solar system is entering a higher energy area of space AND we are being bombarded by more and more energy from the central sun of our galaxy. The electromagnetic highways are in rush hour traffic mode. Energy availability makes more spontaneous manifestation the norm about to arrive. Realize the truth and the truth shall set you free!
Cosmology is knocking at the door, not the imposter, but real mother Cosmology and she brings blessings to see all her children rightly prosper and thrive. How about if we open that door and welcome her home in time for the holidays? Comet Holmes - how we love your blue halo that acts as a mighty beacon announcing the return of integrity.
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