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Visions of Empowered Contact


According to Clifford Stone, a US army veteran of 22 years service who worked with elite UFO retreival units, there are reported to be 56 extraterrestrial races visiting the earth at this time. Although most ET races are benevolently sophisticated, highly evolved both spiritually and technologically, and are here to support and aid humanity's processes of awakening to a higher consciousness and the environmental healing of the planet, there are a few visitors whose activities are highly questionable, negatively oriented and have become the subject of heated debate and scrutiny. Both the Abduction phenomenon and Mind Control activities have been perpetrated by two well known groups, the Greys and the Reptilians, and these activities make us demand an explanation and an immediate abatement.

Questions regarding the secret government and their selling out of the human population for advanced technologies is another arena that needs consideration, especially because the government is choosing to interact with these two controversial groups for the purpose of acquiring technology, instead of working with benevolent ET's who do not offer technology, but instead offer education for increased conscious awareness and more enlightened environmental practices.

One must consider intellectually that the path of right action requires forethought and maturity. Our planet today is in a very interesting situation because of the work of our government and scientists. They have taken ET technology, their own inventions and decided to utilize them without thoughtful, long term discrimination. Now we have a planet experiencing the side effects of technologies that it was not ready for and these side-effects are escalating. The government and scientists did not ask 'Are we ready for this?', 'Can we handle the consequences?', 'Can we produce and introduce this in a way that is non-harmful?', they instead moved forward to apply technologies without long term vision. Now there are many severe problems to be addressed from working with such an out of balance and destructive perspective.

Largely my focus and work involves communications with benevolent ET groups, especially those from Andromeda, Arcturus, Sirius A and the Pleiades, but I have also had personal experiences - physical, telepathic, clairvoyant etc. - with the more enigmatic groups and I will share both of these types of experiences with the hopes that some will find the information educational and inspiring.

I was born with my clairvoyant and telepathic perceptions more developed than most and I have always been able to perceive vibrations of energies, beings and levels of consciousness that others have not often consciously recognized, but many times intuitively felt. This has allowed me to verify time again just how powerful and glorious are the capabilities and possibilities of the human being, and I clearly see that within us are resources that can be put to work for personal sovereignty and collective empowerment.

I strongly believe that no one has to save us, not even the benevolent ET's whose support I lovingly invite and accept, for within each of us is the talent needed already for us to rule our planet wisely. (See Gaia Prophecy) But we need to have the courage to step forward and act, to come together in whatever way is possible to share a vision for a world of loving peace and make that our reality.

Benevolent ET's offer us assistance to bring out the very best within ourselves for an enlightened future and this is a great gift. So as we step forward, WE take responsibility for our planet and WE decide the course for our future. Conscious and with full attention, we do not need to give our power away to anyone, instead we can allow our space sisters and brothers to lend strength to our goals of peace, healing our planet and becoming a galactic peer.

Here at this web site we offer ideas and education about Galactic Diplomacy and how to personally become involved with the application of Track Two Diplomacy individually or as part of a community group. We also offer ideas and education about raising consciousness, inter-species communication and the healing of our planet. As you read the many links, allow your imagination to fly and be inspired because there is so much everyone can do. The path to spiritual maturity requires unwavering commitment to self-evolvement and right service to humanities needs, and yet this can be a path filled with unmatched joy, fulfillment and great harmony.

Angelika Whitecliff, November 4, 2004






Copyright © 2004 - 2010 Dr Michael Salla & Angelika Whitecliff